Monday, January 16, 2012

Cirque du Soleil

A big, big thanks to the kids for the Cirque du Soleil show last week. I heartily encourage my friends in Barcelona, Belgium, and the Netherlands to try to go. There's a story, a Comedy del Arte. The acrobatics are impeccable. Seeing the show live is nothing like seeing Cirque du Soleil on a screen. 
And Paul and I went to the special exhibit at the Louvre on antique Macedonia, Alexander the Great.  The exhibit finishes today, the 16th, and I hope they maintain the site a bit longer so you can see the pictures of some of the most fantastic pieces. The gold, oak leaf crown is truly extrordinary. Many pieces (in fact, I think, the most remarkable ones) are from Alexander I and Philip II periods. They were Alexander the Great's grandfather and father. 
Otherwise, I'm still working on my painting. And planning my vegetable garden. I'm going to try the square foot gardening method this year. The French books on the subject, however, recommend 40 cm. squares rather than 30. Of course, 30 cm. is a foot. I'm making 3 frames. If I go with the 40 cm.² parcels, I'll have 9 per frame, 27 in all. If I choose 30 cm.², then I'll have 16 per frame or 48 total. I think I'll have enough work with 27! Not only do you have to plan what to plant, how much to plant, but also what plants will go together in a frame and what plants do you plant before or after.... Lots of planning. 

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