Sunday, May 25, 2008

A whole week flew by - - Une semaine déjà partie !

en français après la version anglaise, sous le trait

It's Sunday. I can't believe it. The week just flew by. Of course Sunday was lost in travel and we got back to Paris early Monday morning. Paul went straight to the office and I went straight to the hospital to have the catheter changed. I ended up having to wait quite a bit, so I did not go home afterwards, but went straight to the FIAP - Jean Monnet, near Denfert-Rochereau, where the STC France general assembly meeting was scheduled for the evening. That gave me the time to space out and actually prepare my treasurer's report. I hardly remember the meeting at all. Going home, I almost got on the wrong R.E.R. and then, on the right one, I almost slept past my stop!
Tuesday, I mowed the lawn. Anne hadn't touched it in the five weeks we were gone. Not her fault - it rained a bit. I could see that from the grass, which was high enough to be spreading fresh seed. That and the laundry.
The rest of the week just slipped by so fast. Met the new neighbors across the street. Met the new babies next door. They are adorable. Born just the day before we left on our trip. Paul and I got to babysit yesterday for a couple of hours. The French tax declarations are ready - just have to log on and get that over with. I even managed to do the I.S.F. declaration (that's for the annual estate tax) but will wait until the very last minute to send that in, since it has to go with a check.
Paul and I had dinner with Laurent's parents to bring them up to date and show them pictures of Emma and Laurent. A pleasant evening at the neighborhood Moroccan restaurant.
I got a note from the lawyer handling the estate business in the States asking me to sign a document and send it back. It looks like that is close to closing. I may be going to the States this summer, again. Erica is organizing a little get-together of some of us orchestra members from high school - nothing big, just 5 or 6 of us. I'd like to go - see Barbara, Bonnie, Gail, Erica and whoever else can make it. That's going to be in mid-August. I have to be back here before the end of the month, when Ken and Sandy are due to arrive. So, I'd like to drop in on the family in Pittsburgh closer to the beginning of the month. I guess that is going to be a project for next week - see if such a trip is doable. Another thing I should do is go over the posts I put up while we were away and add links, edit, correct my French. Just thinking of that has taken all the steam out of me. Better do a French update before I stop completely!
Une semaine déjà passée. Les vacances sont loins déjà. J'ai vu pas mal d'erreurs à corriger dans mes postes alors je vais essayer de les corriger et aussi de rajouter des liens et des étiquettes. (C'est le moment de m'envoyer vos remarques et corrections !)
La semaine à été pleine d'activité - Paul a repris le chemin du bureau et je n'ai pas chômé de mon côté. J'ai préparé la déclaration d'impôts; il ne reste plus que me logger sur le site.
On a fait la connaissance des bébés à côté - à croquer. On a eu le plaisir de les garder une heure ou deux hier pour permettre au parents d'accompagner l'ainé à la présentation de l'école maternelle.
On a dîné avec les parents de Laurent, histoire de les mettre à jour et monter les photos, car ils ont aussi peu de communication avec lui que nous avec Emma.
Et là, il est déjà dimanche. Mais où est passé cette semaine ?

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