Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My 15 minutes of Fame

More like 15 seconds, but at the end of this report (
http://www.parismatch.com/parismatch/dans-l-oeil-de-match/reportages/au-salon-avec-les-partisans-d-hillary/), that's me asking my question to Terry McAuliffe - and not really getting any answer. I think the report is a bit off; several of us in the room were not convinced Hillary supporters. It was a Hillary evening, but we wanted to learn more in order to make our decision. It was really a fund-raising event - not why I should vote for Hillary but why I should give money to her campaign.

The next evening there was a Barak Obama event in Paris and an "undecided" couple that I met at the Hillary event went to the Obama to-do and said it was much nicer. They did not tell me if they came away any more convinced to go with one candidate or the other.

I've made up my mind since then. I'm really happy that the Democratic party is allowing Americans abroad to have a say - 22 delegates. In the real election I vote "in" Philadelphia, my last legal residence in the United States. The kids, except Emma, also vote in Philadelphia because their only reference is my last address. Emma registered in Florida when she was in college. If I get the primary ballot this year (I did register for an absentee ballot, but we can never be sure about the primary ballot coming through) I am on the honor system NOT to participate in the presidential primary if I choose to participate in the Democrats Abroad election. That's fine with me. I prefer not to make local choices in Pennsylvania - I do not live there! If we had a system that would allow Americans resident abroad to vote in the real elections as citizens abroad, I would prefer that. With the electoral college system, though, that is just impossible; we have to vote "in" states.


  1. Avez-vous déjà voté? Pour Hillary ou pour Obama? Moi, j'ai travaillé pour l'équipe d'Obama la semaine dernière ("Super-mardi" on l'appelle). Heureusement il a gagné Connecticut et particulièrement la ville de New Haven. Le conteste est très divisé maintenant, mais pour le candidat des Républicains c'est John McCain sans doute. Il les attaque déjà. Ce sera une bataille très longue.

  2. Bonjour Dan,

    Je viens de voir ton commentaire - en en français.
    J'étais très contente de pouvoir participer à la primaire démocrate "à l'étranger". Le jour J, j'ai voté pour Obama, mais sans grande conviction. Je reste vraiment toujours aussi indécise.
    On n'a pas encore les résultâts de notre primaire. Certains ont voté en ligne (comme moi); d'autres ont voté sur papier et cette vote a été un grand succès. Ils ont eu beaucoup plus de participants qu'attendu. Ils espèrent donner le résultât cette semaine.
    Je dois dire que l'état de Pennsylvanie fait bien des choses. Nous avons reçu nos bulletins pour l'élection primaire. Bien sûr, je n'y voterai pas, car j'ai donné ma parole de ne pas le faire. Mais cela veut dire que nous sommes bien pris en compte sur les listes des absents et pour l'élection de novembre, ça devrait bien fonctionner.


Thank you for leaving a comment. For more private correspondence, just e-mail me! Ellen